The proposal does not make any sense.

The proposal given by the Penang States Government for the Kampung Buah Pala residents doesn't make any sense.

Watch the video to see M.Sugumaran the Resident Chairman and Mr.Thirugenggadam Ex-MBPJ Councilor explaining the irrelevant document given to the residents and wanting them to accept a malicious agreement.


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It's not too late before I start with this page. And I'm doing so, to show the truth behind the Kampung Buah Pala fiasco in Penang. Allot has gone through and done to save the last and only Indian cultural village in Malaysia.

Hi, I'm Rahventhanar Muthusamy, son of Kampung Buah Pala. I was born and raised in these rich cultured village with a long standing history in its existence. Kampung Buah Pala carries a 200 years of history and now it is on the brink of demolition.

Kampung Buah Pala is often called High Chaparral, reffed to the famous TV show of the early 80's, is a settlement for 65 families with 24 residential houses, consist of cow herds, milk man and many more. Till to date this village still carries the very essence of an Indian settlement concept which is hard to find anywhere else in Malaysia.

Today this village is in a brink of demolition in the name of modernization.


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