Hi all, as I am writing this post, the developer has parked all their bulldozers in our village compound. With the help and assistance from the Police, the developers entered all the residents houses and threatening them to vacate the house in 15 minutes. You see now the Police is accompanying them.
Who the hell the Police think they are? They are in duty to serve the people, not to participate in any political and business scuffles. All they have to do is to make sure no fights erupt and not to help the developer to vacate the villagers.
After a phone conversation with my dad there, it came to my attention that the FRU unit are there and some harassment to the young and women were done by the FRU personnel who were charging towards barricaded villagers. All the DAP elected representatives has shut down their hand phones while the village represented lawyer tried to contact them.
If the Police and FRU forces are acting in the favor of the developer, it is well understood these orders came from the Penang CM himself. The Police won't carry orders from the developers but the CM.
Look at the video clip above, the way CM Lim Guan Eng speaks in 'Bahasa Pasar' giving a stern warning to the developer not to proceed with the project.
But see what happens today. The CM himself has ordered the Police to help the developer to vacate the villagers.
Such a useless and pathetic Chief Minister we've elected !!!!
Two tongued CM.
Posted by
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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